Published in Freistuz, June 2015
Morellet @ Blain/Southern |
You are
interested in art but think museums are boring? You heard of the vast gallery scene
in Berlin but don’t know how to access it? You tried once to select a gallery
opening but gave up after seeing the list of choices? Do not despair any
longer. With this how-to guide you’ll be self-sufficient in no time. But first
things first: we have to lay down some ground rules.
Rule number 1: Go in with an open mind
Art cannot
function without an open mind. When you
walk into a gallery, you might find something potentially mind breaking, life
changing and/or awe inspiring. Even if
it looks boring at first glance, the gallerist chose this work or artist for a
reason. Your job is to figure out what that reason is. And sometimes you have
to work for it: read the pamphlet, do some online research, etc. If you still
don’t get it after you put your best efforts in it, it might just be bad art.
Because what is the meaning of an artwork if it cannot communicate its meaning?
If this is the case, GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!
Rule number 2: Show no fear
can seem impenetrable fortresses with
gallerists as their watch(wo)men, who will cut your head off if you make one
false move. Your job is to show no fear. Don’t be shy, ring the bell, walk in,
smile, say hallo and walk around as if you own the place. Don’t be scared of
the arty folk sitting behind their desks.
Little secret: they are people too!
Rule number 3: Ask questions
You made
it! You are inside, happily strolling around and exploring the space. Now what?
The art seems strange, you don’t think you get it. You read the pamphlet on the
desk, but it doesn’t seem to make things clearer at all. Then ask the gallerist
what it is all about. Let them work for
it. This is part of their actual job. If you are shopping for a new TV, you ask
the salesperson to tell you stuff, right?
Same here. A gallery is a wondrous world where you can broaden the mind, but it
is also a shop. So ask something like: “Can you tell me something about this
Go, go, go! But where?
With these
ground rules in place. You are ready to rock the galleries in Berlin. But where
to go? Berlin has a gallery hub in practically every ‘Kietz’. Let’s start with
the area around the Potsdammerstraße, an interesting street where posh meets
neglect. With the street prostitutes on the Kurfürstenstraße, it might not feel
like a gallery hotspot, but the ‘Potse’ is already turning highbrow, so check
it out before it is too late.
Our first
stop is Schöneberger Ufer 65 where Esther Schipper gallery is situated. She
is a leading lady in the Berlin art scene and her shows are seldom disappointing.
At the moment she presents work by Daniel Steegmann Mangrané (Barcelona, 1977)
entitled Spiral Forest (kingdom of all
the animals and all the beasts is my name). There are photo’s,
installations where branches circle round on moving mirrors, a movie and an
virtual reality environment, all featuring the Mata Atlântica forest in Brasil.
They all present different views on this
rainforest. You see the 2D version (the photo’s)in black and white and in
colour, the moving 2D version (the film), the interpretation (the installation)
and lastly you can step in the virtual version of this forest by putting on a
special headset. You get to know this forest, without ever visiting it. Information
about it is present, although the subject, the forest, is absent.
Blain/Southern Galery view |
Walk your
way through the Potsdammerstraße until you reach number 77-87 where Blain/Southern are situated in the courtyard.
Next to the überposh Andreas Murkudis clothing store you will find a vast exhibition
space where works from François Morellet (France, 1926) are presented under the
title Dash dash dash. The giant mural
fits the space perfectly and shows that being 89 year old artist, doesn’t mean
your art gets stuffy. The abstract shapes seem to rhythmically float on the
walls. Don’t forget to go up the stairs to take a look from above.
Entrance Galeria Plan B |
Don’t go
back to the street just yet. When you walk out of Blain/Southern, turn right instead. Around the corner you will find
GaleriaPlan B. You can’t
miss it, a big rock is blocking the entrance. It is an artwork by Navid Nuur
(Teheran, 1976), with a magnet as its core. If you examine its surface, you
will see that it attracted iron dust. His exhibition Mining Memory centers around rocks. They contain more history than
anything else on the planet. This notion
of ancient information pressed together and
locked in layers of stone is the
key to exploring this work. Inside the gallery, in a dark corner, another type
of work shows you something about the nature of looking. A painting is hanging there,
that only can be seen if you take a photo of it with flash. Light is essential
, imperative for viewing. Without light, we stay in the dark. This is taken
literally here. If you are not prepared
to work for it, the meaning will stay hidden.